Which is great. Patrick Chewing! It combines two of my favorite things, namely basketball and puns. I also saw ones about enrolling at "Chewniversity" (which gets docked a couple points for re-using "chew") and something about "Putting your hunger in a nougaplex," which is a bit of a stretch. (I think they're going for suplex? Or maybe megaplex? possibly also duplex?)
However, all these puns are well and good, except for the fact that they are coming from a brand that is decidedly ANTI-PUN! The punk band NOFX once put out a t-shirt with this logo:

Snickers--if I remember correctly--sued the band and made them take the shirts of the shelf. And now! Now they turn around and use the exact same joke to line their nougat- and caramel- and peanut-filled money bags made of chocolate with even more money!
Don't be fooled, friends. Snickers is no friend of puns.
I saw one on the subway yesterday that said something like "take care of your HUNGERGENCY," which, I felt, was a disgrace to puns and punning.